Gateway API
: Can I replace my Ingress Controller with Cilium
When deploying an application on Kubernetes, the next step usually involves making it accessible to users. We commonly use Ingress controllers, such as Nginx, Haproxy, Traefik, or those from Cloud providers, to direct incoming traffic to the application, manage load balancing, TLS termination, and more.
Then we have to choose from the plethora of available options 🤯. Cilium is, relatively recently, one of them and aims to handle all these networking aspects.
Cilium is an Open-Source networking and security solution based on eBPF whose adoption is growing rapidly. It's probably the network plugin that provides the most features. We won't cover all of them, but one such feature involves managing incoming traffic using the Gateway API (GAPI
🎯 Our target
- Understand exactly what the Gateway API is and how it represents an evolution from the
API. - Demonstrations of real-world scenarios deployed the GitOps way.
- Current limitations and upcoming developments.
All the steps carried out in this article come from this git repository.
I encourage you to explore it, as it goes far beyond the context of this article:
- Installation of an EKS cluster with
configured with the kube-proxy replacement enbled and a dedicated Daemonset forEnvoy
. - Proposal of a
structure with dependency management and a DRY code I think is efficient. Crossplane
and IRSA composition which simplifies the management of IAM permissions for platform components.- Automated domain names and certificates management with
andLet's Encrypt
The idea being to have everything set up in just a few minutes, with a single command line 🤩.
☸ Introduction to Gateway API
As mentioned previously, there are many Ingress Controllers options, and each has its own specificities and particular features, sometimes making their use complex. Furthermore, the traditionnal Ingress
API in Kubernetes has very limited parameters. Some solutions have even created their own CRDs (Kubernetes Custom Resources) while others use annotations
to overcome these limitations.
Here comes the Gateway API! This is actually a standard that allows declaring advanced networking features without requiring specific extensions to the underlying controller. Moreover, since all controllers use the same API, it is possible to switch from one solution to another without changing the configuration (The Kubenetes manifests which describe how the incoming traffic should be routed).
Among the concepts that we will explore, GAPI brings a granular authorization model which defines explicit roles with distinct permissions. (More information on the GAPI security model here).
This is worth noting that this project is driven by the sig-network-kubernetes working group, and there's a slack channel where you can reach out to them if needed.
Let's see how GAPI is used in practice with Cilium 🚀!
☑️ Prerequisites
For the remainder of this article, we assume an EKS cluster has been deployed. If you're not using the method suggested in the demo repo as the basis for this article, there are a few points to check for GAPI to be usable.
ℹ️ The installation method described here is based on Helm
, all the values
can be viewed here.
Install the
available in the Gateway API repository.NoteIf Cilium is set up with
support (see below) and the CRDs are missing, it won't start. In the demo repo, the GAPI CRDs are installed once during the cluster creation so that Cilium can start, and then they are managed by Flux.Replace
with the network forwarding features provided by Cilium andeBPF
1kubeProxyReplacement: true
- Enable Gateway API support.
2 enabled: true
Check the installation For that you need to install the command line tool
. I personnaly use asdf:1asdf plugin-add cilium-cli 2asdf install cilium-cli 0.15.7 3asdf global cilium 0.15.7
The following command allows to ensure that all the components are up and running:
1cilium status --wait 2 /¯¯\ 3/¯¯\__/¯¯\ Cilium: OK 4\__/¯¯\__/ Operator: OK 5/¯¯\__/¯¯\ Envoy DaemonSet: OK 6\__/¯¯\__/ Hubble Relay: disabled 7 \__/ ClusterMesh: disabled 8 9Deployment cilium-operator Desired: 2, Ready: 2/2, Available: 2/2 10DaemonSet cilium Desired: 2, Ready: 2/2, Available: 2/2 11DaemonSet cilium-envoy Desired: 2, Ready: 2/2, Available: 2/2 12Containers: cilium Running: 2 13 cilium-operator Running: 2 14 cilium-envoy Running: 2 15Cluster Pods: 33/33 managed by Cilium 16Helm chart version: 1.14.2 17Image versions cilium 2 18 cilium-operator 2 19 cilium-envoy 2
Finally you can check that the Gateway API support is enabled by running
1cilium config view | grep -w "enable-gateway-api" 2enable-gateway-api true 3enable-gateway-api-secrets-sync true
You could also run end to end tests as follows
1cilium connectivity test
⚠️ However this command (
connectivity test
) currently throws errors with Envoy as a DaemonSet enabled. (Github Issue).Infoas DaemonSet
By default, the Cilium agent also runs
within the same pod and delegates to it level 7 network operations. Since the versionv1.14
, it is possible to deploy Envoy separately, which brings several benefits:- If one modifies/restarts a component (whether it's Cilium or Envoy), it doesn't affect the other.
- Better allocate resources to each component to optimize performance.
- Limits the attack surface in case of compromise of one of the pods.
- Envoy logs and Cilium agent logs are not mixed.
You can use the following command to check that this feature is indeed active:
1cilium status 2 /¯¯\ 3 /¯¯\__/¯¯\ Cilium: OK 4 \__/¯¯\__/ Operator: OK 5 /¯¯\__/¯¯\ Envoy DaemonSet: OK 6 \__/¯¯\__/ Hubble Relay: disabled 7 \__/ ClusterMesh: disabled
🚪 The Entry Point: GatewayClass and Gateway

Once the conditions are met, we have access to several elements. We can make use of the custom resources defined by the Gateway API CRDs. Moreover, right after installing Cilium, a GatewayClass
is immediately available.
1kubectl get
3cilium io.cilium/gateway-controller True 7m59s
On a Kubernetes cluster, you could configure multiple GatewayClasses
, thus having the ability to use different implementations. For instance, we can use Linkerd
by referencing the GatewayClass in the Gateway
The Gateway
is the resource that allows triggering the creation of load balancing components in the Cloud provider.
Here's a simple example: apps/base/echo/gateway.yaml
2kind: Gateway
4 name: echo-gateway
5 namespace: echo
7 gatewayClassName: cilium
8 listeners:
9 - protocol: HTTP
10 port: 80
11 name: echo-1-echo-server
12 allowedRoutes:
13 namespaces:
14 from: Same
On AWS (EKS), when configuring a Gateway
, Cilium creates a Service
of type LoadBalancer
. Then another controller (The AWS Load Balancer Controller) handles the creation of the Cloud load balancer (NLB)
1kubectl get svc -n echo cilium-gateway-echo
3cilium-gateway-echo LoadBalancer 80:30395/TCP 2m58s
This is worth noting that the load balancer address is also linked to the Gateway
1kubectl get gateway -n echo echo
3echo cilium True 16m
↪️ Routing rules: HTTPRoute
A basic rule

To summarize the above diagram in a few words:An HTTPRoute
allows configuring the routing to the service by referencing the Gateway and defining the desired routing parameters.
As of now, it is not possible to configure the annotations of services generated by the Gateways
(Github Issue). A workaround has been proposed to modify the service generated by the Gateway
as soon as it is created.
Kyverno is a tool that ensures configuration compliance with best practices and security requirements. We are using it here solely for its ability to easily describe a mutation rule.
2 rules:
3 - name: mutate-svc-annotations
4 match:
5 any:
6 - resources:
7 kinds:
8 - Service
9 namespaces:
10 - echo
11 name: cilium-gateway-echo
12 mutate:
13 patchStrategicMerge:
14 metadata:
15 annotations:
16 echo.${domain_name}
17 "internet-facing"
18 tcp
19 spec:
20 loadBalancerClass:
The service cilium-gateway-echo
will therefore have the AWS controller's annotations added, as well as an annotation allowing for automatic DNS record configuration.
2kind: HTTPRoute
4 name: echo-1
5 namespace: echo
7 parentRefs:
8 - name: echo
9 namespace: echo
10 rules:
11 - matches:
12 - path:
13 type: PathPrefix
14 value: /
15 backendRefs:
16 - name: echo-1-echo-server
17 port: 80
The example used above is very simple: all requests are forwarded to the echo-1-echo-server
indicates which Gateway
to use and then the routing rules are defined under the rules
The routing rules could also be based on the path
3 hostnames:
4 -
5 rules:
6 - matches:
7 - path:
8 type: PathPrefix
9 value: /login
Or based on an HTTP Header
3 rules:
4 - matches:
5 headers:
6 - name: "version"
7 value: "2"
Let's check if the service is reachable.:
1curl -s | jq -rc '.environment.HOSTNAME'
As you can see, the service is exposed in HTTP without a certificate. Let's try to fix that 😉
Configure a TLS certificate
There are several methods to configure TLS with GAPI. Here, we will use the most common case: HTTPS protocol and TLS termination at the Gateway.
Let's assume we want to configure the domain name
used earlier. The configuration is mainly done by configuring the Gateway
2kind: Gateway
4 name: echo
5 namespace: echo
6 annotations:
7 letsencrypt-prod
9 gatewayClassName: cilium
10 listeners:
11 - name: http
12 hostname: "echo.${domain_name}"
13 port: 443
14 protocol: HTTPS
15 allowedRoutes:
16 namespaces:
17 from: Same
18 tls:
19 mode: Terminate
20 certificateRefs:
21 - name: echo-tls
The essential point here is the reference to a secret containing the certificate named echo-tls
. This certificate can be created manually, but for this article, I chose to automate this with Let's Encrypt and cert-manager
With cert-manager
, it's pretty straightforward to automate the creation and update of certificates exposed by the Gateway
. For this, you need to allow the controller to access route53 in order to solve a DNS01 challenge (A mechanism that ensures that clients can only request certificates for domains they own).
A ClusterIssuer resource describes the required configuration to generate certificates with cert-manager.
Next, we just need to add an annotation
and set the Kubernetes secret where the certificate will be stored.
ℹ️ In the demo repo, permissions are assigned using Crossplane
, which takes care of configuring these IAM perms in AWS.
For routing to work correctly, you also need to attach the HTTPRoute
to the right Gateway and specify the domain name.
2kind: HTTPRoute
4 name: echo-1
5 namespace: echo
7 parentRefs:
8 - name: echo
9 namespace: echo
10 hostnames:
11 - "echo.${domain_name}"
After a few seconds the certificate will be created.
1kubectl get cert -n echo
3echo-tls True echo-tls 43m
Finally, we can check that the certificate indeed comes from Let's Encrypt as follows:
1curl -v 2>&1 | grep -A 6 'Server certificate'
2* Server certificate:
3* subject:
4* start date: Sep 15 14:43:00 2023 GMT
5* expire date: Dec 14 14:42:59 2023 GMT
6* subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's ""
7* issuer: C=US; O=Let's Encrypt; CN=R3
8* SSL certificate verify ok.
GAPI also allows you to configure end-to-end TLS, all the way to the container.
This is done by configuring the Gateway in Passthrough
mode and using a TLSRoute
The certificate must also be carried by the pod that performs the TLS termination.
Sharing a Gateway accross multiple namespaces

, you can route traffic across Namespaces
. This is made possible thanks to distinct resources for each function: A Gateway
that allows configuring the infrastructure, and the *Routes
. These routes can be attached to a Gateway located in another namespace. It is thus possible for different teams/projects to share the same infrastructure components.
However, this requires to specify which route is allowed to reference the Gateway. Here we assume that we have a Gateway dedicated to internal tools called platform
By using the allowedRoutes
parameter, we explicitly specify which namespaces are allowed to be attached to this Gateway.
2 allowedRoutes:
3 namespaces:
4 from: Selector
5 selector:
6 matchExpressions:
7 - key:
8 operator: In
9 values:
10 - observability
11 - flux-system
12 tls:
13 mode: Terminate
14 certificateRefs:
15 - name: platform-tls
The HTTPRoutes
configured in the namespaces observability
and flux-system
are attached to this unique Gateway
3 parentRefs:
4 - name: platform
5 namespace: infrastructure
And therefore, use the same load balancer from the Cloud provider.
1NLB_DOMAIN=$(kubectl get svc -n infrastructure cilium-gateway-platform -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname})
3dig +short ${NLB_DOMAIN}
6dig +short
9dig +short
🔒 These internal tools shouldn't be exposed on the Internet, but you know: this is just a demo 🙏. For instance, we could use an internal Gateway (private IP) by playing with the annotations and make use of a private connection system (VPN, tunnels...).
Traffic splitting

One feature that is commonly brought by Service Meshes is the ability to test an application on a portion of the traffic when a new version is available (A/B testing or Canary deployment).
makes this quite simple by using weights.
Here's an example that forwards 5% of the traffic to the service echo-2-echo-server
2 hostnames:
3 - "split-echo.${domain_name}"
4 rules:
5 - matches:
6 - path:
7 type: PathPrefix
8 value: /
9 backendRefs:
10 - name: echo-1-echo-server
11 port: 80
12 weight: 95
13 - name: echo-2-echo-server
14 port: 80
15 weight: 5
Let's check that the distribution happens as expected:
2Number of requests for echo-1: 95
3Number of requests for echo-2: 5
Headers modifications
It is also possible to change HTTP Headers: to add, modify, or delete them. These modifications can be applied to either request or response headers through the use of filters in the HTTPRoute
For instance, we will add a Header to the request.
2kind: HTTPRoute
4 name: echo-1
5 namespace: echo
8 rules:
9 - matches:
10 - path:
11 type: PathPrefix
12 value: /req-header-add
13 filters:
14 - type: RequestHeaderModifier
15 requestHeaderModifier:
16 add:
17 - name: foo
18 value: bar
19 backendRefs:
20 - name: echo-1-echo-server
21 port: 80
This command allows to that the header is indeed added:
1curl -s | jq '.request.headers'
3 "host": "",
4 "user-agent": "curl/8.2.1",
5 "accept": "*/*",
6 "x-forwarded-for": "",
7 "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
8 "x-envoy-external-address": "",
9 "x-request-id": "320ba4d2-3bd6-4c2f-8a97-74296a9f3f26",
10 "foo": "bar"
🔒 Assign the proper permissions
offers a clear permission-sharing model between the traffic routing infrastructure (managed by cluster administrators) and the applications (managed by developers).
The availability of multiple custom resources allows to use Kubernete's RBAC configuration to assign permissions in a declarative way. I've added a few examples which have no effect in my demo cluster but might give you an idea.
The configuration below grants members of the developers
group the ability to manage HTTPRoutes
within the echo namespace, while only providing them read access to the Gateways
3kind: Role
5 namespace: echo
6 name: gapi-developer
8 - apiGroups: [""]
9 resources: ["httproutes"]
10 verbs: ["*"]
11 - apiGroups: [""]
12 resources: ["gateways"]
13 verbs: ["get", "list"]
16kind: RoleBinding
18 name: gapi-developer
19 namespace: echo
21 - kind: Group
22 name: "developers"
23 apiGroup:
25 kind: Role
26 name: gapi-developer
27 apiGroup:
🤔 A somewhat unclear scope at first glance
One could be confused with what's commonly referred to as an API Gateway
. A section of the FAQ has been created to clarify its difference with the Gateway API
. Although GAPI offers features typically found in an API Gateway, it primarily serves as a specific implementation for Kubernetes. However, the choice of this name can indeed cause confusion.
Moreover please note that this article focuses solely on inbound traffic, termed north-south, traditionally managed by Ingress Controllers. This traffic is actually GAPI's initial scope. A recent initiative named GAMMA aims to also handle east-west routing, which will standardize certain features commonly provided by Service Meshes
solutions in the future. (See this article for more details).
💭 Final thoughts
To be honest, I've known about the Gateway API for some time. Although I've read a few articles, I hadn't truly dived deep. I'd think, "Why bother? My Ingress Controller works, and there's a learning curve with this."
GAPI is on the rise and nearing its GA release. Several projects have embraced it, and this API for managing traffic within Kubernetes will quickly become the standard.
I must say, configuring GAPI felt intuitive and explicit ❤️. Its security model strikes a balance, empowering developers without compromising security. And the seamless infrastructure management? You can switch between implementations without touching the *Routes
Would I swap my Ingress Controller for Cilium
today? Not yet, but it's on the horizon.
It's worth highlighting Cilium's broad range of capabilities: With Kubernetes surrounded by a plethora of tools, Cilium stands out, promising features like metrics, tracing, service-mesh, security, and, yes, Ingress Controller with GAPI.
However, there are a few challenges to note:
- TCP and UDP support
- GRPC support
- The need to use a mutation rule to configure cloud components (Github Issue).
- Many of the features discussed in this blog are still in the experimental stage. For instance, the extended functions, which have been supported since the most recent release at the time of my writing (
). I attempted to set up a straightforward HTTP>HTTPS redirect but ran into this issue. Consequently, I expect some modifications to the API in the near future.
While I've only scratched the surface of what Cilium's GAPI can offer (honestly, this post is already quite long 😜), I am hopeful that we can consider its use in production soon. But considering the points mentioned earlier, I would advise waiting a bit longer. That said if you want to prepare the future, now's the time 😉!
🔖 References
- Isovalent's labs are great to start playing with Gateway API and you'll get new badges to add to your collection 😄