Helm workshop: Ecosystem

Helm’s configuration is stored in the environment variable $HELM_CONFIG_HOME , by default $HOME/.config/helm

All the environment variables are described in the documentation there.

Here are a few tools (with a wide adoption) that will add capabilities to Helm.


There are several plugins in order to extend Helm’s features.

Some of them are really useful (kubeval, diff, secrets).


Helmfile is a really useful tool that allows you to declare the state of the releases on your cluster.

It helps keeping a central view of the releases deployed on a given cluster.

It automatically configures repositories, pulls dependencies and it is very helpful to build CI/CD workflows.

Of course it uses Helm under the hood and a few modules/plugins such as secrets decryption, helm diff

These steps are very basic, you should have a look at the documentation for further details.

Install the helmdiff plugin (used by helmfile)

1helm plugin install https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff

We’ll make use of some examples provided by CloudPosse

1git clone git@github.com:cloudposse/helmfiles.git
2cd helmfiles

Let’s say we want to install the kubernetes dashboard and the reloader tool.

1cat > releases/kubernetes-dashboard/dev.yaml <<EOF
2installed: True
3banner: "Workshop cluster"

Now we’ll create our main helmfile.yaml that describes all the releases we want to install

1cat > helmfile.yaml <<EOF
3  - path: "releases/kubernetes-dashboard/helmfile.yaml"
4    values:
5      - releases/kubernetes-dashboard/dev.yaml
6  - path: "releases/reloader/helmfile.yaml"
7    values:
8      - installed: True

Now we can see what changes will be applied.

 1helmfile diff
 2Adding repo stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
 3"stable" has been added to your repositories
 5Comparing release=kubernetes-dashboard, chart=stable/kubernetes-dashboard
 8        Release was not present in Helm.  Diff will show entire contents as new.

The command helm sync will install the releases

 1helmfile sync
 2Adding repo stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
 3"stable" has been added to your repositories
 5Affected releases are:
 6  kubernetes-dashboard (stable/kubernetes-dashboard) UPDATED
 8Upgrading release=kubernetes-dashboard, chart=stable/kubernetes-dashboard
 9Release "kubernetes-dashboard" does not exist. Installing it now.
10NAME: kubernetes-dashboard

You can list all the releases managed by the local helmfile.

1helmfile list
2NAME                    NAMESPACE       ENABLED LABELS
3kubernetes-dashboard    kube-system     true    chart:kubernetes-dashboard,component:monitoring,namespace:kube-system,repo:stable,vendor:kubernetes
4reloader                reloader        true    chart:stakater/reloader,component:reloader,namespace:reloader,repo:stakater,vendor:stakater

Delete all the releases

1helmfile delete
2Listing releases matching ^reloader$
3reloader        reloader        1               2021-02-16 10:10:35.378800455 +0100 CET deployed        reloader-v0.0.68        v0.0.68
5Deleting reloader
6release "reloader" uninstalled

➡️ Next: Build a Helm chart

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