Kubernetes workshop: Manage permissions in Kubernetes

RBAC is the method used by Kubernetes to authorize access to API resources.

ℹ️ When it makes sense you can use the default roles that are available in all Kubernetes installation instead of having to maintain custom ones.

For this lab what we want to achieve is to give permissions the following permissions to an application myapp:

  • read the configmaps in the namespace foo
  • List the pods in all the namespaces

It is a good practice to configure your pod to make use of a serviceaccount. A serviceaccount are used to identify applications and give them permissions if necessary.

Create a service account

1kubectl create serviceaccount myapp
2serviceaccount/myapp created

When a service account is created, a token is automatically generated and stored in a secret.

1kubectl describe sa myapp | grep -i token
2Mountable secrets:   myapp-token-bz2zq
3Tokens:              myapp-token-bz2zq
5kubectl get secret myapp-token-bz2zq --template={{.data.token}} | base64 -d

Using a tool to decode the JWT token you should see the following content

 1kubectl get secret myapp-token-bz2zq --template={{.data.token}} | base64 -d | jwt decode -
 3Token header
 6  "alg": "RS256",
 7  "kid": "IdsXYO6E93xozgJg-LY2oETTPEHBJjydTU4vF2wy-wg"
10Token claims
13  "iss": "kubernetes/serviceaccount",
14  "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace": "foo",
15  "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/secret.name": "myapp-token-bz2zq",
16  "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-account.name": "myapp",
17  "kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-account.uid": "eb606bdc-b713-4b7c-8da8-c4f71075995e",
18  "sub": "system:serviceaccount:foo:myapp"

We're going to create a deployment that will be configured to used this serviceaccount. In the yaml you'll notice that we defined the serviceAccountName.

1kubectl apply -f content/resources/kubernetes_workshop/rbac/deployment.yaml
2deployment.apps/myapp created

As we didn't assigned any permissions to this serviceaccount, our application won't be able to call any of the API endpoints

 1POD_NAME=$(kubectl get po -l app=myapp -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
 3kubectl exec ${POD_NAME} -- kubectl auth can-i -n foo --list
 4Resources                                       Non-Resource URLs                     Resource Names   Verbs
 5selfsubjectaccessreviews.authorization.k8s.io   []                                    []               [create]
 6selfsubjectrulesreviews.authorization.k8s.io    []                                    []               [create]
 7                                                [/.well-known/openid-configuration]   []               [get]
 8                                                [/api/*]                              []               [get]
 9                                                [/api]                                []               [get]
10                                                [/apis/*]                             []               [get]
11                                                [/apis]                               []               [get]
12                                                [/healthz]                            []               [get]
13                                                [/healthz]                            []               [get]
14                                                [/livez]                              []               [get]
15                                                [/livez]                              []               [get]
16                                                [/openapi/*]                          []               [get]
17                                                [/openapi]                            []               [get]
18                                                [/openid/v1/jwks]                     []               [get]
19                                                [/readyz]                             []               [get]
20                                                [/readyz]                             []               [get]
21                                                [/version/]                           []               [get]
22                                                [/version/]                           []               [get]
23                                                [/version]                            []               [get]
24                                                [/version]                            []               [get]

In order to allow it to read configmaps in the namespace foo, we're going to create 2 resources:

  • A role which will describe the permissions and which is bounded to a namespace
  • A rolebinding to assign this role to our application (serviceaccount)

Create the role

1kubectl apply -f content/resources/kubernetes_workshop/rbac/role.yaml
2role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/read-configmaps created

And assign it to the serviceaccount we've created previously

1kubectl create rolebinding -n foo myapp-configmap --serviceaccount=foo:myapp --role=read-configmaps
2rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/myapp-configmap created

Note that in the above command the serviceaccount must be specified with the namespace as a prefix and separated by a semicolon.

You don't have to restart the pod to get the permissions enabled.

1kubectl exec ${POD_NAME} -- kubectl auth can-i get configmaps -n foo
4kubectl exec ${POD_NAME} -- kubectl get cm
5NAME               DATA   AGE
6kube-root-ca.crt   1      3d20h
7helloworld         2      2d2h

This is possible thanks to the token mounted within the container

 1kubectl exec -ti ${POD_NAME} -- bash -c 'curl -skH "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" https://kubernetes.default/api/v1/namespaces/foo/configmaps'
 3  "kind": "ConfigMapList",
 4  "apiVersion": "v1",
 5  "metadata": {
 6    "resourceVersion": "76334"
 7  },
 8  "items": [
 9    {
10      "metadata": {
11        "name": "kube-root-ca.crt",
12        "namespace": "foo",
13        "uid": "c352e4cd-3b88-4400-80a0-cbba318794e4",

Finally we want to list the pods in all the namespaces of our cluster. we need:

  • A clusterrole which will describe the permissions that are cluster wide.
  • A clusterrolebinding to assign this clusterrole to our application (serviceaccount)
1$ kubectl apply -f content/resources/kubernetes_workshop/rbac/clusterrole.yaml
2clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/list-pods created
1kubectl create clusterrolebinding -n foo myapp-pods --serviceaccount=foo:myapp --clusterrole=list-pods
2clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/myapp-pods created

Now lets have a look to the permissions our applications has in the namespace foo

 1kubectl exec ${POD_NAME} -- kubectl auth can-i -n foo --list
 2Resources                                       Non-Resource URLs                     Resource Names   Verbs
 3selfsubjectaccessreviews.authorization.k8s.io   []                                    []               [create]
 4selfsubjectrulesreviews.authorization.k8s.io    []                                    []               [create]
 5pods                                            []                                    []               [get list]
 6configmaps                                      []                                    []               [get watch list]
 7                                                [/.well-known/openid-configuration]   []               [get]
 8                                                [/api/*]                              []               [get]
 9                                                [/api]                                []               [get]
10                                                [/apis/*]                             []               [get]

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